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Royal Navy Claims

If you’ve served in the Royal Navy and suffered an injury which could have been avoided, you may be entitled to claim compensation. Serving in any branch of the military can be a stressful, life-changing experience. However, if you’ve suffered any kind of injury while serving in the Navy which wasn’t your fault, and could have been avoided, we are here for you. Here at Tylers Solicitors, we can provide a complete range of Royal Navy accident compensation claims.

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15 Years Experience
No Win No Fee
SRA Regulated

What are the Most Common Kinds of Royal Navy Accidents?

Serving in the Royal Navy can be dangerous. Whether you serve on a naval base, aircraft carrier or submarine, you could suffer all kinds of minor to serious injuries. Any kind of naval profession has the same risks as civilian jobs, but also includes more opportunities for serious injuries, including burns, explosive injuries and psychological injuries. Some of the most common kinds of accidents you’re likely to suffer while serving in the Royal Navy include accidents during training, injuries caused by equipment failure, slips, trips and falls on MOD land and accidents on-board military vessels.

Whether you served as a Petty Officer, Engineer, Midshipman or any supportive role in the Royal Navy, you’ll still be entitled to claim compensation. It doesn’t matter if you sustained your injury while on board an airship carrier, a submarine or sat in an office on-land, you may still be able to make a claim. Here at Tylers Solicitors, we are proud to offer a professional no-win, no-fee legal service to help you get the compensation you need to move on with your life.

What are the Most Common Injuries I Could Suffer Following an Accident in the Royal Navy?

There are many kinds of injuries you can suffer while serving in the Royal Navy. As with any kind of injury, these can vary between relatively minor and extremely serious. Most of the injuries you’ll be able to claim for are physical injuries, but there are some psychological issues you may be able to claim for too. Some of the most common Royal Navy injuries include head injuries, burn injuries, psychological injuries and hearing loss.

Royal Navy Claims

When Am I Eligible to Claim for a Royal Navy Accident Injury?

If you were injured while serving in the Royal Navy, you may be eligible to claim for compensation so long as the accident wasn’t your fault. If the accident was caused by another person’s negligence, or due to faulty equipment / lack of training, you may be entitled to claim for compensation. So long as your injury was caused by someone else’s negligence, we are here for you.

Why Should I Trust Tylers Solicitors to Represent My Royal Navy Accident Claims?

Tylers Solicitors is an experienced team of legal experts who can provide a comprehensive service to suit your needs. We have many years’ experience representing all manner of personal injury and accident at work claims, including those against the military. Whether you’ve suffered due to a lack of training, or the absence of health and safety equipment, we are here for you. If you’re looking for an experienced team of no-win, no-fee solicitors, we are here for you.

Compensation Amounts

Need more information? Don’t worry, one of our professional claims solicitors will advise you along the way

Contact us on 0800 699 0079 or via our online contact form to start your claim today!

The amount of compensation you could receive depends on several factors, including the severity of your injuries. The more serious your injuries, or if you’re left with any long-term conditions, the more compensation you could be entitled to receive. Any kind of Royal Navy injury can be extremely serious and cause long-term physical and psychological issues. Curious about how much compensation you could be entitled to? Use our simple Royal Navy compensation calculator today!

Whether they’ve been sustained during training, or due to a lack of health and safety equipment, head injuries can be extremely serious. Even something as simple as a slip, trip or fall can lead to serious brain damage, which can have a major impact on your lifelong health and mental ability. Whether you’ve suffered a minor head injury or a serious brain injury in the Royal Navy that wasn’t your fault, you should be able to claim compensation!

Up to £307,000

When serving in the Royal Navy, or any arm of the military, you could be subjected to extreme circumstances which can lead to serious psychological injuries. You could suffer anything from clinical depressions to PTSD which can have a major impact on your life. However, in most legal cases, you’re only able to claim for psychological impacts if you’re also claiming for a physical injury. PTSD and other psychological injury claims are most likely to be successful if you’re also claiming for a physical injury.

Up to £307,000 (Normally with Another Injury)

In the Royal Navy, you are often subjected to environments which can be extremely harmful for your hearing. Loud noises, including gunfire, and regular changes in pressure can cause short-term and long-term hearing loss. If you’ve been subjected to an unsafe working environment due to a lack of health and safety equipment, you may be able to claim compensation. Whether you’ve lost hearing in both ears, one ear, or you’ve been left with long-term tinnitus, you may still be able to claim compensation.

£5,870 to £123,310

If you’re serving in the Royal Navy, you are surrounded by potentially hazardous equipment every day. Some of this equipment can become extremely hot, leading to minor and serious burns of all kinds. The amount of compensation you’ll receive depends on a variety of factors, including the severity of your burns and their location on your body.

£1,360 to £85,340

Table of Contents

Frequently Asked Questions

Here at Tylers Solicitors, we can provide a complete range of no-win, no-fee legal services for those looking to claim compensation against the Royal Navy. If you’ve sustained any kind of injury due to your superiors in the Royal Navy, or the lack of training / health and safety equipment, we are here for you. Thanks to our many years’ experience, we can help you to bring successful no-win, no-fee legal claims against the Royal Navy. Here at Tylers Solicitors, we’re proud to offer a no-win, no-fee legal services to all our clients, including those claiming against the Royal Navy.

As with any kind of accident at work claim, you have up to three years to begin your claim for compensation. If you’ve been left with a long-term condition, such as an industrial disease caused by your time in the Royal Navy, you may have longer to claim. In some cases, you have up to three years from the date of your diagnosis to begin your claim for compensation. Even if you’re still serving in the Royal Navy, you don’t need to wait until you’ve left to begin your claim for compensation.

If you’ve suffered any kind of Royal Navy accident after the 6th April 2005, you may be entitled to claim for compensation through the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme. As this scheme is no-fault, no examples of fault or blame need to be proven. This can be essential if there isn’t enough evidence to prove a specific example of negligence contributing to your Royal Navy injuries.

In some cases, claims can also be made to the AFCS for injuries you might’ve sustained in a combat situation. Successful claims through the AFCS typically receive up to £570,000, depending on the severity and long-term impact of your injuries.

Related Claims

If you’ve suffered any kind of chemical injury inside or outside of work then you may be entitled to make a claim. Here at Tylers, our professional legal team can work with you to get the compensation you need to move on with your regular life and activities.

Falls from height are without a doubt one of the most dangerous injuries that can occur in the workplace. Usually resulting in serious injuries or death.

Broken and fractured leg injuries can be amongst some of the most painful and debilitating a person can suffer. Most people will be unfortunate enough to suffer a broken bone injury at some point in their lives with the most unlucky people sustaining breakages or fractures to one of the bones in their leg.

If you’ve suffered any sort of scaffold injury at work that isn’t your fault, then you may be owed compensation through a scaffolding accident claim. Rental scaffolding companies can sometimes fail to pass health and safety standards which result in moderate to severe injuries. 

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For any Industrial Injury Claims, call Tylers Solicitors today, a leading UK provider of no-win, no-fee legal services. Our experienced team will work with you to get the maximum amount of compensation you’re entitled to, following any kind of injury that isn’t your fault!