Lead Poisoning Compensation Claims
Industrial diseases and illnesses are some of the most common medical claims that we deal with here at Tylers Solicitors. Lead poisoning claims are one of our specialities, and we can help to ensure that you receive the compensation that you desperately need. This is always a serious condition, and in many cases, can prove fatal. As one of the most dangerous and common illnesses facing construction workers, builders and other professionals, it is important that you choose the best team to represent you.

What is Lead Poisoning?
Lead toxicity (sometimes referred to as plumbism) occurs when high levels of lead begin to build up in your body. Exposure to excessive amounts of this material can be down to a wide range of causes, including contaminated soil, food, water and even air. Some old buildings, for example, used lead paints before we realised how dangerous they could be. Exposure to the buildings, especially if the lead is disturbed and made airborne, can be a major cause of illness.
We all have a right to expect clean, safe working and living conditions. Thanks to lead poisoning claim with Tylers solicitors, you can get the compensation, and the justice, you deserve.
What Can I Claim Following Lead Poisoning?
Exposure To Poisonous Materials
Despite the variety of ways in which you can obtain plumbism, occupational exposure remains the most common cause. You can inhale or otherwise consume lead as a result of a wide range of industrial procedures. Lead dust, fumes and vapour can be created by:
- Cleaning Old Paint – This includes blast removal and burning.
- Hot Cutting – This typically occurs in demolition and dismantling operations, and is one of the most common ways that lead becomes airborne.
- Recovering Lead – When lead is recovered from scrap and waste sites for recycling purposes, it can cause lead poisoning.
- Lead Manufacturing and Smelting – Though your employers should take steps to ensure your safety, there is still the risk of lead build up in your system which can cause long-term problems.
Your body will absorb lead by either the inhalation of dust, fumes and vapours. You can even swallow trace amounts of the substance and not be aware of it. This can happen when food or drink becomes contaminated at a worksite.
What Are The Symptoms For Toxicity?
Although toxicity is rare after a single event, repeated exposure can cause a variety of symptoms. Some of these symptoms might be quite minor, but others can be life-threatening, and certainly life-changing. These can include:
- Abdominal Pains and Cramps.
- Constipation.
- Difficulty Sleeping and Fatigue.
- Irritability and Aggressive Behaviour.
- Memory Loss.
- Headaches.
- Anaemia.
Although lead toxicity is dangerous in adults, in children it can be even worse. Continued exposure can cause severe kidney dysfunction as well as a loss of developmental skills. It isn’t hard to see why lead poisoning claims are so essential when it comes to dealing with this illness.
Tylers Solicitors: Experienced In Lead Poisoning Claims
Industrial poisoning and toxicity claims are typically levied against companies and employers. It is possible to be affected by the work of a company without actually working for them, so if you are suffering with plumbism, there has to be someone at fault. Lead toxicity can not only prove to be life-altering, it can sometimes prove to be fatal. That’s why you need a team of experience and sympathetic personal injury lawyers on your side.
Your Industrial Poisoning Claims
When it comes to industrial disease claims, you first need to establish whether or not you have a legitimate case. Here at Tylers, we can ask you a few simple questions to work out whether you’re going to be able to successfully challenge the company that caused your plumbism. Using your answers and our experience, we can help you to understand how your case will develop, how likely it is to succeed and the kind of compensation you are likely to receive. We know that it can be a stressful time, which is why we attempt to stay out of your way as much as possible. We will usually contact you by phone or letter, but our team are always on hand if you have any queries or questions.
Get In Touch With Tylers Solicitors For Specialists In Lead Poisoning Claims
If you’re unfortunate enough to suffer from lead toxicity, you need a professional and experienced team on your side. At Tylers Solicitors, a team of personal injury lawyers based in Manchester, we can do everything in our power to help you get the compensation you deserve and bring the culprits to justice. Whether your grievance is with your employer or a nearby company, we will work with you to make sure your claim is a success.
Tylers solicitors is a no win, no fee team of experts. We specialise in personal injury claims, especially when it comes to industrial diseases and lead poisoning claims. If you think you have a claim, get in touch with our professional and friendly team on 0800 699 0079.
We Accept Nationwide Compensation Claims
No matter where you were injured in the UK, Tylers Solicitors are just a telephone call away from giving you expert advice about your compensation claim. If you would like to contact us about claiming compensation in the UK then telephone 0800 699 0079 today for a no obligation chat.
- Aerotoxic Syndrome
- Allergic Rhinitis
- Arsenic Poisoning
- Arthritis Injury
- Asbestosis
- Black Lung Disease
- BT Engineers Deafness
- Bursitis
- Carbon Monoxide
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Compensation Claims
- Chronic Bronchitis
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Contaminated Soil
- Dioxin Poisoning
- Dupuytrens Contracture
- Emphysema
- Farmers Lung
- Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome
- Housemaids Knee
- Hydrocation Poisoning
- Industrial Deafness Compensation Claims
- Industrial Disease Claims
- Mesothelioma
- Occupational Asthma
- Occupational Dermatitis
- Phurnacite
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Pleural Plaques
- Pleural Thickening
- Pneumoconiosis
- Radiation Sickness
- Boilermaker’s Ear
- Raynauds Phenomenon
- Repetitive Strain Injury
- Respiratory Disease
- Sciatica Compensation
- Siderosis
- Silicosis
- Teflon Exposure
- Toxoplasmosis
- Vibration White Finger
- Weils Disease
- Work Related Upper Limb Disorder
Table of Contents
For any Industrial Disease Claims, call Tylers Solicitors today, a leading UK provider of no-win, no-fee legal services. Our experienced team will work with you to get the maximum amount of compensation you’re entitled to, following any kind of injury that isn’t your fault!