Throat Cancer Compensation Claims
Throat cancer is cancer that forms in tissues of the hallow tube inside of the neck. It starts behind the nose and ends at the top of the windpipe and oesophagus. Throat cancer includes cancer of the nasopharynx which is the upper part of the throat behind the nose, the oropharynx, which is the middle part of the pharynx and the hypopharynx that is positioned at the bottom part of the pharynx. Cancer of the voice box also known as the Larynx may be another type of throat cancer. Most throat cancers begin in thin, flat cells.

What Common Factors Increase The Risk Of Throat Cancer?
- Smoking
- Excessive alcohol use
- A virus called human papillomavirus (HPV)
- A diet with a lack of fruit and vegetables
What are the Symptoms of Throat Cancer?
To establish whether you are suffering from throat cancer, you should understand the various symptoms associated with this ailment. The various symptoms that are most prevalent include:
- Neck pain
- Hoarseness that could last for over two weeks
- Sore throat
- Coughing up blood
- Coughing
- Unintentional weight loss
- High-pitched breathing sounds that are abnormal
- Lumps in the neck or swelling of the neck
How Will Throat Cancer Normally Be Diagnosed?
Most of these symptoms are also synonymous with other ailments and therefore not all of them ought to put one in a panic mode that they have cancer. However, if you suffer from these symptoms for over three weeks with no sign of improvement, you ought to seek medical attention. This would be necessary to rule out cancer.
When you visit your doctor for diagnosis, the doctor examines your throat to see if there are any abnormalities. If he/she suspects you have cancer, they refer you to an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) specialist who conducts further tests and examination to confirm the diagnosis. The various tests involved include; Nasoendoscope which involves a small tube that has a light at its end being inserted into one nostril to the back of the throat to enable the doctor have a clear look into the larynx. As the test is uncomfortable, an anaesthetic that is local is applied to numb the throat thus easing any distress. Panendoscope is another test conducted if the nasoendoscope test was inconclusive.
It is a bit painful, and it is thus conducted under a general anaesthetic. A biopsy is another procedure conducted to test throat cancer, and it involves taking a sample of tissue which can be tested in a laboratory for cancerous cells. It can be done at the same time as the above two tests. If there is a lump on the neck, the fluid is taken using a needle to be tested. If the test concludes that one has cancer, it ought to be checked whether it has spread or the stage it is at when it is discovered. An MRI scan or a CT scan can show the aggressiveness and size of cancer.
What Should I Do If I’ve Been Misdiagnosed with Throat Cancer?
Throat cancer is a form of cancer that occurs in the tissues of the hallow tubes found in the neck region. It starts from behind the nose up to the top of the top of the oesophagus and wind pipe. There are several factors that increase the risk of throat cancer chief amongst them being smoking, using alcohol excessively, a diet that is poor in vegetables and fruits and a virus known as human papillomavirus (HPV). It could also be caused due to exposure to harmful substances in the workplace. If anyone contracted cancer in this way, they could file for throat cancer compensation claims. There are several issues that ought to be observed when making such claims through your lawyers.
Can I Claim Compensation Is I’ve Been Diagnosed with a Throat Disease?
If you currently or previously worked for an organisation where you have been exposed to asbestos, coal dust, wood dust, paint fumes, diesel fumes and other harmful substances, then you may be entitled to a claim. Did the company you work for provide the right health and safety equipment for you to use in your job that minimised the risk of you forming health issues such as throat cancer? Were you informed about the possible health effects that may occur if you did not protect yourself from the substances? If you believe your response to any of these questions is “NO” then get in touch with our team to see if you are entitled to a claim.
How Can I Make a Throat Cancer Compensation Claim?
When making a claim, you ought to fill out the special online compensation claims form available on our website for your throat cancer compensation claims to commence. You could also speak to our solicitors on free phone in order to start you’re the process of claiming for your compensation. You should also ensure that all the necessary details required by the claims form are duly filled and correct to the best of your knowledge. After that the solicitors will take it to court on your behalf and represent your case.
How Much Compensation Could I Claim for Throat Cancer or Misdiagnosis?
If you used to work in a company or are currently working for a company that exposes you to harmful substances like asbestos, diesel fumes, paint fumes, wood, coal dust and you contract cancer, you are entitled to make a claim. You could make a claim for compensation of between £45,000 to £200,000 depending on the degree of exposure and negligence on the part of your employer.
When Will I Be Able to Claim Compensation?
There are set time limits in which the throat cancer compensation claims proceedings ought to be filed. When starting proceedings on your behalf, you must issue them within 3 years after you are made aware that you are sick and your workplace is the most likely cause of your sickness. If you were to start proceedings on behalf of a family member or a relative who has already passed on, the same must be brought forward within three years of the date they died. This makes your proceedings not to be easily defeated if filed after the time limit period has elapsed. It will make the entire process to be smooth and increase your chances of being successful.
What Information Will I Be Expected to Disclose About My Claim?
It won’t be necessary to disclose every little bit of information about your situation. In short, we will ask you to answer a few short questions to enable us to assess your claim and your entitlement for compensation amount. Some claims require a medical report, if we feel this is necessary, we will contact you to arrange an assessment at your nearest medical practice.
Where Can I Find More Information About Throat Cancer?
You can get more information about these compensation claims from our website. We have more information on how we conduct these cases and the facts of the case that ought to be proved in court to ensure that we win the case for you. You can also reach us on our telephone lines that are toll-free to have a one-on-one chat with an industrial illness claims expert. You can also conduct an extensive research online to get more valuable information on how the compensation claims are made and how to win them.
Can Tylers Help Me to Make Throat Cancer Compensation Claims?
Tylers are solicitors who have a background in not only dealing with claims but the injuries and accidents that result in claims. We have a wealth of research from previous cases which gives us solid grounding on how to get the best results for clients.
Is Tylers a No-Win, No-Fee Solicitors for Throat Cancer Claims?
Yes, we are a no win, no fee’ solicitors who only charge our clients only when their compensation claims are successful. It is our job to present the compensation claim before the court and support the case seeking to get compensation. If the case is successful, then we will get our cut from the settlement. However, if it is not successful, then there will be no legal fees charged.
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For advice regarding a Cancer Misdiagnosis, call Tylers Solicitors today, a leading UK provider of no-win, no-fee legal services. Our experienced team will work with you to get the maximum amount of compensation you’re entitled to, following any kind of injury that isn’t your fault!