MRSA Compensation Claims
Here at Tylers Solicitors, we can work with you to claim the MRSA compensation you need to move on with your life. For more information, call Tylers Solicitors today on 0800 699 0079.

What is MRSA?
MRSA is a type of bacterium which stands for Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus. The bacteria is highly resistant to treatments and can cause serious results and in some instances death. MRSA is typically referred to as Staph, Mercer, Mersa, and Merca. However, this is a misconception. MRSA is a type of Staph which is more resistant to medications and treatments. MRSA has gained notoriety recently with its contribution to the “flesh-eating” disease.
How Is MRSA Contracted and What are The Symptoms?
MRSA can be contracted from direct contact with the virus. This can be done in one of two ways. The first way is that a person can come in contact with a person who has MRSA and contract the disease. Even if the person seems healthy, if he or she has had MRSA recently or has a dormant version of MRSA then the disease can be transmitted to you. Such instances may occur at:
Medical facilities where there has been a patient with MRSA – this is a typical setting and one which is also extremely dangerous for the person who contracts MRSA from such a setting as the immune system is already weak (hence being at a medical facility) and therefore more likely to have a more severe case of MRSA.
Subways and transits where you are in close proximity to other individuals – A person on a subway or a transit which has MRSA can transmit the disease by bumping into you or brushing up against you if the infected area touches your skin.
Any profession that requires you to shake hands or to have physical contact with people –as MRSA is transmitted through direct contact, any profession which requires that a person have physical contact with another person is subject to contracting the disease.
The second way in which the disease is transmitted is by direct contact through surfaces which have the MRSA bacterium on them. These surfaces can be:
- Door handles of medical facilities which have not been properly cleaned
- Daycare facilities where children share toys
- Food establishments – which pose a double threat. Employees which may have the MRSA may transmit the disease to plates, food, utensils, menus, and any other object. Likewise, the person who sat at the table before you could have contaminated the surface.
- Assembly Lines – If you are an assembly line worker and someone on the assembly line has MRSA then the bacteria can spread to each person down the assembly line.
- Public pools and water facilities – MRSA can live in water for quite a while. Those which have MRSA and visit a public pool, water park, or water facility can transmit the virus to the water and thereby infect many
Should I File an MRSA Claim?
MRSA is a very serious disease which kills more people than AIDS every year1. If you have contracted MRSA you are advised to seek medical attention from a medical staff, doctor, or practitioner and follow their treatment directions. Please ensure that you have taken measures to keep from spreading the MRSA bacteria to others.
If you contracted MRSA from safety procedures not being followed at a medical facility, such as a doctor not washing his or her hands between patients, you may have a claim. Medical facilities which have had a patient diagnosed with MRSA must ensure that the facility is properly sterilized to keep from spreading the bacteria to others.
Those which have contracted MRSA from a public pool, a waterpark or other water facility where the water should have been kept sterilized and free from bacterium may have grounds for a claim.
Anyone that has contracted MRSA from a food establishment due to improper sterilization procedures, employees, or food which containing MRSA have grounds for a claim.
What Do I Need to Consider When Making an MRSA Claim?
MRSA claims must be filed in a timely manner. The longer you wait to file the harder it will be to win your case. We will work with you to ensure that all documentation is filed in a professional and proper timeframe.
As MRSA is a transmitted bacterium, it is essential that you trace the origins of contracting the bacterium. Knowing where you transmitted the MRSA bacteria will allow us to help in determining if there was negligence and grounds for a compensation claim.
If you are currently suffering from MRSA, please avoid transmitting the disease. Ensure that you do not try to worsen your condition to enhance your compensation. Your health is more important.
Why Choose Tylers to Represent My MRSA Compensation Claim?
We are here to help you. We understand that your life has been altered by the MRSA bacteria. If you have any questions regarding MRSA claims, please contact us. We will be more than happy to address any inquires which you may have.
Contact Tylers Solicitors today!
If you would like to make a compensation claim for a MRSA case then call Tylers Solicitors today for a no-obligation chat on (freephone) 0800 699 0079 today!
Table of Contents
- Airport Injury
- Animal Accidents
- Animal Attacks
- Broken Glass Compensation
- Care Home Injury
- Cervical Cerclage
- Cervical Stenosis
- Child Injury Compensation
- Chronic Pain Syndrome
- Dog Bites
- Elevator Injury Claims
- Escalator Injury Claims
- Eyebrow Threading Injury
- Fairground Accidents
- Fireworks Injury
- Legionnaire’s Disease
- Foetal Alcohol Syndrome
- Flea Bite Compensation
- Gas Leak Compensation
- Hair Dresser Injuries
- Hair Transplantation
- Health Spa Injury
- Hornet Sting Injury
- Human Bite Claims
- Icy Pavement
- Injury at School
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Landlord Injury
- Laser Hair Removal
- Maternal Sepsis
- KFC Compensation
For any Personal Injury Claims, call Tylers Solicitors today, a leading UK provider of no-win, no-fee legal services. Our experienced team will work with you to get the maximum amount of compensation you’re entitled to, following any kind of injury that isn’t your fault!