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Car Park Accident Compensation Claims Information

Car park accidents are common in the UK. While most of these incidents are minor and rarely cause any kind of injury, some can lead to serious injuries. Most of the time, a car park accident will involve something as small as a minor scratch on a car door, or a pushed-in wing mirror. However, in some circumstances, and where multiple parties or pedestrians are involved, these injuries can become much more serious.If you’re looking to make a car park accident compensation claim, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Tylers Solicitors today!

If you’ve suffered any kind of injury in a car park that wasn’t your fault, you may be able to claim car park accident compensation. For more information, call Tylers’ experienced team today.

What Are the Most Common Kinds of Car Park Accidents?

Car park accidents often involve superficial vehicle damage that either goes unnoticed or isn’t worth pursuing claims for. Many of these instances are resolved amicably are barely noticed at all. However, when two cars are travelling at speed, or there is a pedestrian involved, these incidents become much more serious. The most common kinds of serious car park incidents typically involve traffic collisions, being hit by a moving car, tripping or falling due to a pothole or being injured by poorly maintained car park equipment.

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    What Kinds of Injuries Could I Claim for Following a Car Park Accident?

    There are many kinds of injuries you could suffer from when it comes to car park accidents. In addition to whiplash from traffic collisions, you could also suffer broken bones, head injuries, cosmetic or superficial injuries and more life-threatening conditions. So long as you can prove that the injury was caused by someone else’s negligence, you should be entitled to make a claim for compensation.

    Why Should I Choose Tylers Solicitors to Represent My Car Park Accident Claim?

    Here at Tylers Solicitors, we have many years’ experience when it comes to car park accidents and all manner of road traffic accidents. We have helped people from all walks of life to get the compensation they needed to move on with their lives after suffering an injury in a car park that wasn’t their fault. If you’re looking for an experienced team of no-win, no-fee legal experts, get in touch with Tylers Solicitors today.

    Car Park Accident Compensation Claims

    Am I Eligible to Claim Following an Accident in a Car Park?

    If you’ve suffered any kind of injury in a car park that wasn’t your fault, you should be able to make a claim for compensation. Whether you’ve been injured due to another party, faulty car park equipment or poorly maintained car park surfaces, we are here for you. Simply get in touch with Tylers Solicitors to understand if you’re entitled to make a claim for compensation following your accident at a car park.


    For any Car Accident Claims, call Tylers Solicitors today, a leading UK provider of no-win, no-fee legal services. Our experienced team will work with you to get the maximum amount of compensation you’re entitled to, following any kind of injury that isn’t your fault!
    Call Tylers Solicitors Today!

    Need more information? Don’t worry, Lee Kirton or one of our other professional claims solicitors will advise you along the way

    Call today on 0800 699 0079 to start your compensation claim!

    Compensation Amounts

    Car Park Accident Compensation Calculator

    The amount of compensation that you might be able to claim depends on the severity of your injuries. The more serious and life-altering your injuries are, the more compensation you will be entitled to claim. There are various other factors which can also influence the amount of compensation you receive, including the level of negligence displayed and damage to personal belongings.

    If you’re curious about how much compensation you could receive, use our simple car park compensation calculator below! You can also use our simple online contact form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!

    Hit by a Vehicle in A Car Park Compensation Amounts

    If you were hit by a vehicle on a car park that wasn’t your fault, you will be able to make a claim for compensation. If, for example, you were hit by a vehicle on a zebra crossing, you had right-of-way and the vehicle should have stopped for you. You are only eligible to claim compensation if you were injured through someone else’s negligence. The amount of compensation you’ll receive depends on the severity and extent of your injuries. As vehicles are typically moving slowly in a car park, serious or life-altering impacts are rare.

    Up to £42,750

    Slips, Trips & Falls in a Car Park Compensation Amounts

    If a car park has an uneven surface, steps which aren’t marked or serious pothole problems, you may be entitled to make a claim for compensation. Slips, trips and falls in a car park are a surprisingly common incident in the UK, and can sometimes lead to serious injuries. Severe slips, trips and falls can often cause head injuries or lead to broken bones. If you’ve slipped, tripped or fallen in a car park, you should be entitled to make a claim for compensation.

    Up to £307,000

    Traffic Collision Injuries in a Car Park Compensation Amounts

    If you were involved in a traffic collision on a car park that wasn’t your fault, you may be entitled to claim compensation. In some instances, you will make a personal injury claim directly against the person that hit you, whereas sometimes you’ll claim directly against the owner of the car park due to poor signage or organisational negligence. As always, you’ll make a direct claim for the injuries that you’ve suffered, which could include whiplash, as well as damage to personal property. The amount of compensation that you claim will depend on the severity of your injuries.

    Up to £10,000

    Poorly Maintained / Faulty Car Park Equipment Compensation Amounts

    If you sustain an injury as a pedestrian due to poorly maintained or faulty car park equipment, such as damage caused by a car park barrier, you will be able to claim compensation. Car park barrier impact on the head, for example, can lead to serious head injuries and brain damage. If you’ve suffered any kind of injury due to poorly maintained car park equipment or faulty car park barriers, claiming compensation is essential.

    Up to £307,000

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Can I Sue Following an Accident at a Private Car Park?

    If you’ve suffered any kind of accident in a private car park, we are here for you. Even private car parks have a duty of care towards you, and if their negligence has caused you any kind of injury, you are entitled to make a claim for compensation. This includes everything from injuries caused by potholes, uneven surfaces or their negligence in the car park’s design.

    Is Tylers a No-Win, No-Fee Solicitors for Car Park Compensation Claims?

    Here at Tylers Solicitors, we can provide a complete range of no-win, no-fee services to help you get the compensation you are entitled to. Thanks to our experienced team of no-win, no-fee legal experts, we can work with you to get the compensation you need to move on with your life. With Tylers, you won’t be left out of pocket by having to pay for legal services which might not earn the results you need.

    How Long Do I Have to Make a Claim for Car Park Accident Compensation Claims?

    When it comes to any kind of personal injury claim, you have up to three years to begin your claim following the accident. In some cases, these claims can take around two year to be completed. As such, it is usually worth starting your claim for compensation as early as possible. If you’re unsure whether you’re able to make a claim for a car park accident compensation, get in touch with Tylers’ experienced team today!

    Let’s Make Things Better

    Start your claim today!