Medical Negligence Claims
If you’ve suffered any kind of short or long-term injury, due to the negligence of a healthcare professional, you may be entitled to claim. Whether you’ve been injured due to surgical negligence, prescription errors, or a misdiagnosis has caused your condition to worsen, we are here for you. Whatever kind of medical negligence you’ve suffered, at the hands of a private healthcare provider or the NHS, Tylers Solicitors can help you to get the compensation and the justice you need to move on with your life.

Here at Tylers Solicitors, we can work with you to claim the medical negligence compensation you’re entitled to. Our legal specialists can help you to bring your claim against the private healthcare provider or NHS responsible for your injuries. Thanks to our medical negligence solicitors, you’ll be supported throughout your claim, whether it takes weeks, months or even years to get the compensation you deserve.
Whether you’ve suffered at the hands of an NHS practitioner, surgeon, GP, pharmacist, midwife, or a private healthcare provider, we are here for you. Even if you’re not certain whether you have a legitimate claim for compensation, don’t hesitate to get in touch today.
Our medical negligence solicitors will help you to understand whether you’re able to claim, and how much your claim could be worth. For more information, don’t hesitate to get in touch today via email, our online contact form, or by calling us directly.
What Counts as Medical Negligence?
Medical negligence, or clinical negligence, is a wide-ranging term that covers any kind of failing on the part of a healthcare professional. If your medical provider makes any mistake, such as misdiagnosis, prescribing the incorrect medication or neglecting to take your allergies into account, you could be entitled to make a claim for compensation.
As the victim of medical negligence, you could have suffered a short or long-term injury, or your condition could have worsened. Whatever impact the clinical negligence has had on your health, you could be entitled to claim.
What Are Common Kinds of Medical Negligence?
- NHS Negligence Claims
- Private Healthcare Claims
- Surgery Claims
- Hospital Claims
- Misdiagnosis Compensation
- Birth Injury Claims
- Cancer Claims
- Dentist Claims
- More Medical Negligence Claims
How Can I Make A Medical Negligence Compensation Claim?
If you’re looking to start a medical negligence compensation claim, the first step is to get in touch with an experienced team of medical negligence solicitors. Here at Tylers Solicitors, for example, our clinical negligence specialists will work to understand your exact situation. We can then help you to understand if you’re eligible to make a claim for compensation.
From there, we can give you help and advice as to the kinds of information you should collect and record. We can even help you to obtain this information, including copies of your medical file and any medical practitioner’s notes.
The sooner you get in touch with your clinical negligence solicitors, the better. We can start work on your case while the details are still fresh in your mind, ensuring there is no mistake in your recollection. Over time, small details (which may be integral to the case) can be easily forgotten, leading to mistakes and, potentially, losing out on compensation you could be entitled to.
What’s more, the sooner you get in touch with us, the more opportunity we have to help you. For example, if you’ve been injured by the NHS or another healthcare provider, and they admit their liability early, we can often help with short-term, interim compensation to help your rehabilitation.
If you’ve been left to deal with long or short-term health conditions caused by medical negligence, don’t hesitate to contact us today. Tylers Solicitors’ experienced team of medical negligence solicitors can help you to get the compensation you’re entitled to as quickly as possible.
How Long Do I Have to Make a Medical Negligence Claim
As with most kinds of personal injury claims, you have up to three years to begin your claim for compensation.
This three-year period could start from the moment of medical negligence, when you discovered you’d been the victim of medical negligence or once you’ve realised your condition becomes significantly worse.
If you’re not sure whether you’re entitled to make a medical negligence claim due to time limitations, get in touch with leading personal injury claims specialist, Tylers Solicitors. We can help you to understand whether you’re still eligible to claim.
here are, however, some instances where you might be able to make your claim after this three-year period has expired. These include:
- Reduced Mental Capacity – If you (or a loved one) has a reduced mental capacity to claim for themselves, there’s no time limit for making a medical negligence compensation claim.
- Children – If the medical negligence claim involves the treatment of a child, this can be done any time before the child’s 18th The three-year rule is only applied on the child’s 18th birthday, meaning they would need to make a compensation claim before their 21st birthday.
How Long Should My Medical Negligence Compensation Claim Take?
There are different factors which can all have an impact on how long your medical negligence compensation claim takes. For example, if the NHS or your private healthcare provider acknowledges their responsibility, the process is much simpler and can often be resolved in a matter of weeks. If our medical negligence solicitors need to work with you to prove that you’ve been treated negligently, it could take months to help you get the compensation you’re entitled to.
In complicated clinical malpractice cases, where the healthcare provider does not accept their responsibility, the claim can sometimes take a few years to settle.
Am I Entitled to Make a No-Win, No-Fee Medical Negligence Compensation Claim?
Here at Tylers Solicitors, most of our medical negligence claims are no-win, no-fee. That means you don’t ever need to pay us anything upfront. You’ll only ever pay for our legal services if your legal claim is successful.
If you win your case, the medical practitioner or organisation will pay most of your legal fees, with the remainder being taken from your compensation. That means you’ll never end up worse off after making a no-win, no-fee medical negligence claims. The more compensation you receive, the more we receive. That also gives us an added incentive to fight as hard as possible for all our medical malpractice clients.
How Much Medical Negligence Compensation Could I Be Entitled To?
The amount of compensation you could be able to claim depends on the severity of your injuries. The more serious your injuries, the more no-win, no-fee compensation you could be entitled to claim. At Tylers Solicitors, we can help you to get the medical negligence compensation you need to move on with your life.
For more information on the amounts of clinical negligence compensation you could be entitled to claim, don’t hesitate to get in touch today.
The Anatomy of NHS Medical Negligence
It takes between 5 and 6 years to graduate from medical school in the UK to work with the NHS. Graduates must then undertake two foundation years before deciding on a future career speciality in the NHS. This can include General Practitioner, Surgery or Anaesthetics. Depending on the NHS specialisation chosen, it can then take upwards of three years before practitioners are allowed to work unsupervised. Through this period, they are constantly examined, given work placements and are required to create multiple case studies.
In short, over the past few decades, the standard of medical care from the NHS has grown significantly. However, the higher standards in the NHS also opens the door to NHS negligence claims when the treatment you expect isn’t provided.
Statisticians and NHS compensation solicitors, such as ourselves, all report the same trends. Although the number of NHS negligence claims is growing, the types of clinical negligence claim haven’t changed all that much.
In adults, some of the most common conditions resulting in misdiagnosis or medical negligence include: heart attacks, appendicitis, bone fractures and ectopic pregnancy. In children, meningitis misdiagnosis is also a common issue.
Another common reason for NHS complaints is issued with prescriptions. This can involve prescribing the wrong medication or the wrong dosage. Thankfully, the change to prescriptions which are printed as opposed to written has vastly reduced the possibility of errors being made due to the pharmacist having difficulty reading the prescription.
Although the scale of NHS negligence claims can vary from the relatively minor to the hugely serious, the bulk of them relates to the same fundamental issue – the belief that failings in the NHS led to the suffering or death of the patient.
The 4 D’s of Medical Negligence
If you’re wondering whether you’re entitled to make a medical negligence compensation claim, ask yourself whether your case meets the 4 D’s of Clinical Negligence. Even if you aren’t sure, you can always get in touch with our experienced team of solicitors, and we’ll help you understand whether you’re able to make a claim for compensation.
If you’re a patient, then your healthcare provider has a duty of care towards you. If a doctor-patient relationship exists, you are owed a duty of care. It is a breach of this duty of care that is the first step on the way to claiming medical negligence.
In a doctor-patient relationship, your healthcare provider owes you “care and treatment with the degree of skill, care and diligence as possessed by or expected of a reasonably competent physician”. If you feel this duty of care has been breached, don’t hesitate to get in touch today.
The patient, or the clinical negligence solicitors representing the patient, must establish that the doctor, nurse or surgeon’s actions were derelict, and the direct cause of the patient’s injuries. This is normally a fairly straightforward argument once the dereliction of duty has been proven, but it can become difficult to navigate without experience.
Here at Tylers Solicitors, we can help you to prove dereliction of duty, in addition to the direct causation of your injuries. For more information, don’t hesitate to get in touch today.
Dereliction of duty is what occurs when the medical practitioner fails to uphold their duty of care. If the medical professional failed to provide the patient with reasonable care, treatment and attention, they can be sued on the basis of dereliction.
Dereliction of duty for medical practitioners is also commonly known as “breach of duty”. This is the main reason for most medical negligence claims in the UK, and even further afield. However, this is also problematic for those victims without trained medical negligence solicitors on their side. Many medical practitioners are reluctant to criticise their peers’ actions, particularly when it comes to testifying against them.
Finally, the patient needs to show that they have actually suffered direct harm as a result of the causation. This is typically a physical injury, but can sometimes include mental damages. This is typically shown through medical evaluations, prescriptions and testimonies.
For more information on the 4 D’s of medical negligence, don’t hesitate to get in touch today. Here at Tylers Solicitors, we can work with you to get the compensation you need to move on with your life.
Medical Negligence Compensation Calculator
Need more information? Don’t worry, one of our professional claims solicitors will advise you along the way
Contact us on 0800 699 0079 or via our online contact form to start your claim today!
If you’ve suffered as a result of medical negligence, you should be able to claim for compensation. The amount of compensation you could recieve depends on the severity of your injuries and the impact they have had on your life. For average compensation amounts, take a look at our medical negligence compensation calculator below.
Minor medical negligence can still have an impact on your life. Even if you make a full recovery from these injuries, you could still be entitled to compensation. Here at Tylers, we can help you to get the minor medical neglgience compensation you are entitled to.
£500 to £8,400
Moderate medical negligence injuries can have a noticeable impact on your life. WHile you will normally make a full recovery, you might also be left with long-term health conditions.
£16,800 to £34,000
Serious medical negligence can lead to serious health conditions which can either be life-threatening, or lead you with long-term symptoms for the rest of your life. Here at Tylers, we can help you to get the medical negligence compensation you need to move on with your life.
£34,000 to £307,000
In the most extreme circumstances, medical negligence can lead to wrongful or easily-avoidable deaths. If you’ve lost a loved one due to provable medical negligence, we are here for you. Tylers Solicitors’ experienced team can provide complete legal services to help you get the compensation you need to move on with your life.
Up to £307,000
Table of Contents
Frequently Asked Questions
Our claims process is simple. We won’t ask you for a full story about your incident. We will simply introduce ourselves as a practice and inform you of the legal proceedings. The questions are uniform to allow us to assess whether your claim is eligible and to give you an indication of what you could expect to receive. We will keep in contact with you by letter or telephone, however we are always happy to lend a sympathetic ear should and when you need us.
In addition to the proceedings, it’s also a good idea to retain any other documents that you think may help your case. If you received botched cosmetic surgery, you should take photographs of the resulting damage. This also applies to anything that can be photographed that you feel will help you claim the compensation that is rightfully yours. You should try to compile this evidence as quickly as possible after the event because, as well as it being documented in your mind, the deadline for making Medical negligence claims in the United Kingdom is three years.
Yes! When you choose Tylers Solicitors to represent you medical negligence claim, you can be assured of a professional no-win, no-fee service. If your legal case isn’t successful, you won’t need to pay us a penny. Our legal team will do everything we can to make sure your case succeeds, and you receive the compensation you need to move on with your life.
For medical negligence to be proven, it has to be shown that the person responsible has acted below the standards that would usually be deemed acceptable for a clinician of equivalent training and experience to adhere to. A simple act of making sure you wash your hands or ensuring a patient ward is properly cleaned is now universally accepted as a fundamental standard of clinical practice. To allow these standards to slip is a breach of an accepted clinical standard and, therefore, negligent.
Tylers Solicitors understand just how traumatic being the victim of Medical negligence can be. We have helped thousands of people across the UK to get back on their feet after suffering due to someone else’s medical negligence. We also understand how helpful compensation can be for recovery. So get in touch with us today to start your claim with Tylers Solicitors by calling 0800 699 0079.
The purpose of the NHS is to provide health care and all associated treatments and services to residents of the UK, regardless of whether or not you could actually pay for the treatment yourself. Medical negligence can occur during a variety of different treatments, from episiotomy to failed vasectomy or sterilisations, through to failure to diagnose a medical condition such as cancer, or by misdiagnosing a condition. Medical negligence can also include being prescribed the wrong medication or failure to obtain the proper consent to the treatment to be provided.
If you have been administered unfairly or negligently by a healthcare professional in the United Kingdom, the first action that you should take is to speak to the NHS Trust or local health authority and lodge an official complaint. Since the NHS-Wide complaints procedure was introduced in 1996, it has been consistently shown that the resolution of complaints has failed, so it may well be the case that you need to seek help at a higher level.
Simply having been treated rudely or unfairly should be resolved by making a complaint in writing to the doctor or healthcare professional who treated you, which will probably result in an informal meeting where you can put your point of view forward. If your claim is more serious, or if it has still not been resolved, speaking to the Patient Advisory Liaison Services should be your next step, as should speaking to the NHS Trust involved and following their established complaints procedure.
Whatever the type of the medical negligence that you believe you may have received, take these five important steps to see if you can make a compensation claim for compensation and Sue the NHS.
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If you’re looking for a trusted Personal Injury Solicitors in Manchester, UK provider of no-win, no-fee legal services, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Tylers Solicitors today! Our experienced team will work with you to get the maximum amount of compensation you’re entitled to, following any kind of injury that isn’t your fault!