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Bodily Injury Claims

If you’ve suffered any kind of bodily injury that wasn’t your fault, you may be entitled to make a bodily injury claim. Bodily injuries include any kind of physical injury to your body. Here at Tylers Solicitors, our personal injury solicitors can work with you to earn the personal injury compensation you deserve following your accident. Whatever kind of physical injury you’ve suffered, get in touch with Tylers Solicitors to begin your bodily injury claims. We can help you get the bodily injury claim compensation you need to move on with your life.

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15 Years Experience
No Win No Fee
SRA Regulated

How Much Could I Receive for Bodily Injury Claims?

One of the most difficult aspects of any compensation claim is placing a value on the amount of money you should receive from your bodily injury claim. Different personal injury solicitors will give you different estimations simply because they go off the amounts they have won for their clients.

At Tylers Solicitors, our experienced personal injury solicitors can give you an estimate of what you will receive for a successful personal injury claim. This will be based on the details and evidence you provide.

The bodily injury compensation you will receive also depends on the seriousness of the injury. For instance, a broken bone is more likely to warrant more compensation than a deep cut or heavy bruising.

Types of Injuries:

What type of Bodily Injury Can I Claim Compensation For? 

If you suffer any type of injury as a result of negligence, you could be eligible to claim personal injury compensation. Bodily injury compensation claims cover everything from minor injuries such as cuts and bruising to much more severe things like loss of limbs. As no two cases are ever the same, it can be difficult to estimate the amount of compensation an injured person can receive. This is because we have to assess which part of the body was injured, and we also have to consider how you received that injury and whether you were at fault or not. We also need to assess any other associated costs, such as loss of earnings or additional medical expenses. All of this needs to be taken into account when you submit a bodily injury claim.

The Main Causes of Bodily Injury Compensation Claims

You can claim compensation for any type of bodily injury you sustain if it was the result of someone else’s negligence. However, some types of bodily injuries are more common than others.

The HSE (Health and Safety Executive) 2023 Health and Safety at Work Statistics for Great Britain show us that the main causes of bodily injuries in the workplace include:

  • Slips, Trips and Falls – 32%
  • Injuries resulting from handling or lifting – 17%
  • Workers being struck by vehicles – 11%
  • Falls from height – 8%
  • Injuries as a result of acts of violence – 8%

Even if the injury you suffered wasn’t a result of the above, if you weren’t at fault, you may well be entitled to bodily injury compensation.

If you are unsure about whether the circumstances of your injury qualify you for compensation, contact our team today. To get more details or to start a personal injury claim, call us on our freephone at 0800 699 0079.

Alternatively, you can complete our simple online form, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

What Can You Do to Help Ensure Your Bodily Injury Compensation Claim is Successful?

While there is no 100% guarantee that any claim for bodily injury compensation will succeed, there are certain steps you can take to help improve your chances.

Making sure you always take the following actions will also help speed up the personal injury claims process:

  1. Report the incident immediately, either to your line manager or a member of the organisation where it occurred.
  2. Make sure that the incident is recorded in the accident book – every organisation should have one, and this will serve as proof that the accident occurred on the premises.
  3. Visit your doctor and get medical treatment even if you have only sustained a minor injury. Medical records form an important part of any personal injury compensation claim.
  4. Provide your legal team with precise information about the reasons for the accident and details of the injuries sustained.
  5. Make sure you get the names and contact details of anyone who witnesses the injury.
  6. Photograph the scene of the accident (providing it is safe to do so).
  7. Keep a record of any expenditures resulting from your injury (e.g. rehabilitation costs).
  8. Keep a record of any financial losses incurred due to your injury (i.e. loss of earnings).
What Injuries Can I Claim For?

There are several other ways you can receive a bodily injury eligible for personal injury compensation. For instance, if you are a passenger in a car, and another motorist collides with you, causing an injury, then you can make a road traffic accident claim.

Alternatively, you could be the victim of a serious criminal assault, such as grievous or actual bodily harm, in which case you can claim compensation for your injuries.

Bodily injuries can happen to anybody, man, woman or child, and some cases have even led to death, in which case you can start a lawsuit of wrongful death on behalf of your loved ones.

Bodily Injury Compensation Amounts

Need more information? Don’t worry, one of our professional claims solicitors will advise you along the way

Contact us on 0800 699 0079 or via our online contact form to start your claim today!

There are a number of different elements to keep in mind when it comes to making a compensation claim, because the longer you are out of work the more expensive it can become to run your everyday life, especially if you have a mortgage to pay and children to feed. Curious about how much compensation you could be entitled to? Use our simple bodily injury compensation calculator below!

Even if the bodily injury you’ve sustained is relatively minor, you will still be able to make a claim for compensation. A minor injury is normally defined as a temporary or non-debilitating injury.

£375 to £8,000

Medium bodily injuries will often have a noticeable impact on your life for a period of time. However, you will make a full recovery from these bodily injuries.

£8,000 to £22,500

Serious bodily injuries will have a major impact on your life. They can often leave you dependent on friends or family for a period of time. You will recover from serious bodily injuries, but it may not be a full recovery, or can lead to long-term, chronic issues.

In Excess of £22,500


A permanent bodily injury will leave you with long-term injuries, and can sometimes include complete paraplegia, loss of limbs or quadraplegia. The amount of compensation Tylers can help you recieve depends on the severity of your injuries.

Up to £307,000

Table of Contents

Frequently Asked Questions

A financial claim is claiming to be reimbursed for any money that you may have earned or will have been paid if it wasn’t for your injury. Lets face it, if you are injured then this can have a huge effect on the way you function at work. For instance, if you work in a warehouse and you break your hand under some racking then you are unfit for work because you cannot lift with one hand. If you work whilst suffering a bodily injury you are risking further injury and later in life this could catch up on you.

If you are constantly in pain or discomfort then you might have a claim. It is difficult to place an amount of compensation of this type of injury but it is still a valid claim type. Tylers’ experienced team can help you to get the compensation you need with regards to bodily injury pain and suffering.

A specific injury is a serious injury such as a broken arm, ankle or leg. These types of injuries are really serious and your claim is valid just for suffering them. A serious injury will keep you out of work for much longer than anticipated and may even cause you mobility issues, in which case you will need to rely on public transport to get to the local hospital and back, or to visit your physiotherapist. All this you should keep a record of as it is costing you, the injured party, your hard earned money to treat yourself for an injury that wasn’t your fault. Here at Tylers, we can help you to make a specific bodily injury claims against the party responsible.

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It has been reported by several different medical journals that as many as 70% to 80% of all adults will experience a form of back injury in their lifetime. 

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If you’re looking for trusted Personal Injury Solicitors in Manchester, we provide no-win, no-fee legal services for personal injury claims. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with Tylers Solicitors today. Our experienced team will work with you to get the maximum compensation you’re entitled to following any injury that wasn’t your fault.