Can you claim whiplash compensation for a child?
As a parent or guardian, seeing your child involved in a car accident can be a scary experience. If they’ve suffered any injuries, it’s natural that you’d want to claim compensation on their behalf and see justice served.
Whiplash is a common injury in road traffic accidents, and it can affect children as well as adults. What’s more, because children’s neck and shoulder muscles are still developing, even a minor car crash can lead to whiplash — so it’s essential to get them checked out by a medical professional after any form of road traffic accident (RTA).
If your child has been involved in a car crash or RTA, you may be able to claim child whiplash compensation. From the signs of whiplash to potential compensation amounts, let’s take a look at the steps you’ll need to follow to process a car accident claim for a child.
What are the signs of whiplash injuries in children?
Whiplash is one of the most common injuries you can experience after a road traffic accident. It occurs when the sudden movement of a collision causes your neck to thrust forward and backwards.
You can usually identify the problem quite easily in yourself, but how can you know if your child is suffering from whiplash?
Depending on their age and communication ability, children may not be able to articulate the symptoms they are experiencing. And because children’s bodies are still growing and developing, whiplash can be even more serious.
With this in mind, it’s important to know the signs to look out for. If you notice any of the following in your child, get them a medical check-up as soon as possible:
- Neck or shoulder pain
- Dizziness
- Headaches
- Loss of mobility
- Visible swelling
- Irritability
- Fatigue
- Nausea
- Blurred vision
How long does it take for whiplash to set in?
Depending on the severity, whiplash can be evident right away, immediately after a collision, or it can take longer to set in.
Symptoms may develop in the hours or days following the accident. So even if the car accident you’ve been involved in was minor and you haven’t noticed any of the above signs, we recommend always taking your child to see a medical professional to be on the safe side.
A doctor will be able to check your child’s neck and shoulders to see if there are any signs of whiplash setting in.

Can you claim compensation for your child’s whiplash?
A child under 18 isn’t able to claim whiplash compensation themselves — but you can claim on their behalf. To do so, you’ll need to apply to be their litigation friend. This allows you to make legal decisions for them.
Don’t worry if it sounds complicated — when you appoint our team at Tylers Solicitors to represent you, we can guide you through the process.
Can you claim compensation if your child wasn’t in a child seat?
As with any compensation, you need to be eligible to claim whiplash compensation on behalf of your child. This means that if your child should have legally been in a child seat at the time of the accident, you may be deemed negligent. So, even if the accident was not your fault, you might not be eligible to claim compensation for your child.
If you’re unsure whether your child should have been in a car seat, you can take a look at the government’s booster seat guidelines.
You can also speak with our experienced team to discuss the RTA circumstances. We’ll look into the details, including your child’s age and height, to work out whether you’re eligible to make a whiplash claim for them.
How long do you have to claim compensation for whiplash in children?
All personal injury claims have a general time limit of three years from the day of the accident. However, things can be a little more complicated when children are involved, and there are some exceptions to the rule.
If your teenager was involved in a car accident, you can claim on their behalf as their litigation friend. Or, they can wait until they are 18 and make the claim independently. If they choose to do this, the three-year time limit is extended, and they have until they are 21 to start the claim process. This can be an appealing route for 16 and 17-year-olds who don’t want a parent to claim on their behalf.
However, it’s always best to get the ball rolling with compensation claims as soon as possible.
How much child whiplash compensation can you claim?
Like any other type of personal injury claim, there’s no clear-cut answer to this. It all depends on how severe your child’s whiplash is and how long it takes them to recover.
Since 2021, there has been a whiplash tariff in place. This revised legislation means that whiplash compensation is awarded in set amounts depending on the duration of the injury.
For example, if your child’s whiplash injuries last no longer than three months, the maximum they can receive is £260. For whiplash lasting up to six months, it’s £520, and if the injuries remain for up to 18 months, the maximum claim is £3,100.
The tariff extends to a maximum of £4,345 for whiplash injuries that impact your child for between 18 and 24 months.
Please take a look at our guide to learn more about average whiplash payouts.
How to claim compensation for whiplash in children
Being involved in a road traffic accident can be a distressing experience for anyone. And when your child has been injured, it’s understandable that you’ll want to seek compensation on their behalf. So, how do you go about claiming child whiplash compensation?
- The first step is to make sure they’ve had a medical check-up as soon as possible after the car accident. Medical records will play a big role in evidencing their whiplash injuries and compensation eligibility.
- Keep receipts of any expenses relating to your child’s whiplash. From travel expenses from trips to the hospital to medical bills, it’s important to log any costs — these are known as ‘special damages’.
- Speak with the team at Tylers Solicitors to discuss whether your child is eligible for compensation due to their whiplash and how much they might be entitled to. We can guide you through the process and make sure your child gets the whiplash compensation they deserve.
Why choose Tylers Solicitors for support with child whiplash compensation
We’re proud to be one of the UK’s leading providers of no-win, no-fee legal services — meaning that you’ll only pay us if your child’s whiplash compensation claim is successful. With over 14 years of experience in the field, we’re here to offer expert advice and ensure every eligible claimant gets the justice they are entitled to.
Our team of personal injury solicitors can offer sensitive support to help you and your child through this challenging time.
If you believe your child is eligible for whiplash compensation, please don’t hesitate to speak with one of our helpful solicitors.