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Weils Disease Compensation Claims

Weils disease (otherwise known as leptospirosis) is a bacterial disease caused by a person coming in contact with urine from certain animals. Typically, the contamination is contracted through direct contact with infected soil or water. However, supporting structures (such as fence posts which have been urinated upon) can carry the disease. Also, persons which are directly urinated upon by infected animals can contract the disease. With the help of our solicitors at Tylers, we can help with making an industrial disease claim.

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What are the Symptoms of Weil’s Disease?

NHS reports that Weils disease usually appears between 14-30 days after the infection. When in the leptospirosis state, symptoms may appear to be that of the common cold or flu. These symptoms include:

  • Headaches
  • Chills or Fever
  • Nausea, Upset stomach, or vomiting

Unfortunately, this leads many infected individuals to treat the infection as such without results. Left untreated, the disease can infect other organs. There are several symptoms which may indicate that organs have been infected by the Weils disease. Some of these symptoms include:

  • Swelling in the ankles, feet, joints, hands
  • Jaundice
  • Welling in the liver
  • Increased pulse rate
  • Pain in the legs
  • Confusion/ Inability to solve typical daily problems
  • Irrational Behaviours
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Uncontrollable muscle movements or spasms
  • Coughing up blood
  • Shortness or difficulty breathing


If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, and especially if you are experiencing several of these symptoms, you are advised to seek the professional medical diagnosis of a medical staff, doctor, or practitioner immediately. In most of these cases hospitalization is required.

Should I File A Compensation Claim for Weil’s Disease?

Industries which are usually affected by Weils disease are those which are around animals such as pigs, cattle, horses, sheep, etc. In order to file a compensation claim, it must be established that negligence was the contributing factor to your condition.

If you worked within proximity or directly with wild animals and your employer did not provide you with safety and risk documentation prior to starting the job, you may have grounds for compensation. Health and Safety Regulations mandate that employers provide employees with documentation explaining the risk for Weils disease when working with wild animals which may carry the disease.

Employees which have sustained the Weils disease through a bite from a rat have grounds for compensation, especially if the establishment has had a history of infestation, received safety mandates concerning eliminating rats or substances which would attract rats from the property, or if the business has failed to take standard measures to prevent rat infestation.

In positions (such as a veterinarian assistant) where direct contact with wild animals is a daily activity, those which have developed Weils disease from the lack of safety equipment being implemented (gloves, face masks, sterile equipment, and the like) may have grounds for a claim.

If you have showed signs of Leptospirosis which a professional medical staff, doctor, or practitioner would be able to identify and have been misdiagnosed, you may have grounds for a claim. If you have had to be hospitalized for Weils disease due to this misdiagnosis, you may have grounds for a claim.

If a family member has died from Weils disease which was misdiagnosed, you definitively have grounds for a claim.

Weils Disease Compensation Claims

What Do I Need to Consider When Making a Weil’s Disease Compensation Claim?

Compensation claims are dependent upon the time in which it is filed. The longer you wait, the less likely are the odds that you will win your case. We will ensure that all the documentation is filed properly and at the correct time.

All negligence cases are based upon proving that the party which is being filed against could have prevented the cause of pain and suffering if standard methodologies were taken. If you are filing a negligence claim, your probability for success is heightened if you have a medical documentation to support your claim.

Minors which have contracted the Weils disease (through being an intern, temp job, or summer employment) need to have a parent or legal guardian file on their behalf.

If you have been diagnosed with Leptospirosis, do not attempt to worsen your condition in order to get compensation. This is both illegal and extremely dangerous to your health. Always follow the advice of your medical staff, doctor, or practitioner.

Why Should I Choose Tylers To Represent My Compensation Claim?

We are here to help you. We understand that you are in pain and that your life has been altered. If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact us. We will be more than happy to discuss your case with you to determine the best option to take to get the compensation that you deserve.

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