Raynauds Phenomenon Compensation Claims
Raynaud’s disease is a condition associated with Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome and is legally recognised as an industrial disease. Persons diagnosed with HAVS, which has resulted in Raynaud’s syndrome are eligible to make a Raynaud’s phenomenon compensation claims. Get in touch with Tylers Solicitors expert team today to learn more.

What are The Symptoms of Raynaud's’ Disease?
The symptoms of Raynaud’s Syndrome are similar to those of Vibration White Finger. They usually happen in three stages:
- First stage – some fingers, toes, and other extremities start to turn white.
- Second stage – affected parts and extremities turn blue and begin to feel numb and cold.
- Third stage – affected body parts start turning red. This is usually due to blood returning at a higher rate than expected. During the third stage, the subject feels an unpleasant sensation in the areas affected. This is also when swelling and pain will manifest. (Other parts affected by Raynaud’s syndrome are the nose, earlobe, nipples, and tongue).
Not everybody experiences all three stages, and these stages may appear in different orders from time to time. As a result, the symptoms may disappear with time, whereas if the symptoms persist, then permanent damage to the tissues or ulceration of the tissues has occurred. If the extremity becomes ulcerated, the subject should consult a medical professional immediately.
Typically, Raynaud’s Syndrome results from occupational or environmental exposure, but it can also affect musicians, people who type a lot, or other people who use their hands excessively. Once the symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor for a diagnosis. You can see any doctor you choose, but if your employer provides one, it’s a good idea to go to the company doctor. In addition, it is also advisable to notify your employer in writing or just informally if you encounter any symptoms of either HAVS or Raynaud’s Disease.
It would be helpful if you notified your union representative if you are a union member. They can often help with changing the conditions of the working environment to something more suitable.
Your Employer's Responsibilities
Your employer is obligated to provide you with a conducive work environment. If you believe that the working conditions are unsafe or you need protective equipment which is not provided for, inform your employer. They ought to be able to make some positive changes. However, if you already have HAVS and it has caused your Raynaud’s disease, then you may be able to claim compensation. You should contact a solicitor who specializes in compensation claims for Raynaud’s phenomenon, and they may be able to help you get the compensation you deserve.
If you believe your Raynaud’s disease has been caused by poor working conditions and your employer has neglected their duty of care, you may be entitled to claim compensation for your injuries. Our panel of experts can help you start your Raynauds Disease compensation claim on a no-win-no-fee basis, helping to get you the maximum amount you are entitled to.
How Much Compensation Can You Claim for Raynauds’ Disease?
Cases differ from person to person due to the intensity of the damage, and the nature of the condition. However, there are two general sets of damages;
1. General damages – this category covers overall damages in suffering and pain.
2. Special damages – this category covers claims relating to loss of earnings, prescription charges, travel expenses, and clothing damage.
The compensation payments for successful Raynaud’s phenomenon compensation claims are very lucrative. In 1997, the UK High Court awarded several coal miners about £127,000 in compensation for vibration white finger and Raynaud’s syndrome. Likewise, by 2004, an ex-coalminer compensation fund established by the UK Government paid out in excess of £100 million in compensations.
If you wish to seek legal advice and find out if you are eligible to claim compensation for your injuries, our team of experts are waiting to help you.
We can assess your case on a no-win-no-fee basis and inform you of the likely amount you can expect to receive in compensation. Don’t hesitate to start your Raynauds Disease compensation claim. We have helped many others achieve the sum they are entitled to and we can help you as well.
Compensation Amounts
Need more information? Don’t worry, one of our professional claims solicitors will advise you along the way
Contact us on 0800 699 0079 or via our online contact form to start your claim today!
Raynaud’s Disease Compensation Claims Calculator
If a workplace accident has caused you to develop Raynaud’s Disease and you want to know how much an average compensation claim is, use our Compensation Calculator. It will calculate the appropriate amount of compensation for you.
Minor Raynaud’s Disease
If the symptoms were infrequent and had a modest impact on work or leisure, you may be entitled to compensation.
£2,390 to £7,580
Moderate Raynaud’s Disease
If Raynaud’s Disease is affecting your day to day life and the condition shows no signs of improving. You may have had occasions of blistering on your extremities but no lasting damage to the surface of the skin. You could be entitled to compensation in the region of:
£7,580 to £14,690
Serious Raynaud’s Disease
This category includes attacks that interfere with work and home throughout the year. If this describes your case, you deserve compensation.
£14,690 to £27,740
Severe Raynaud’s Disease
If you suffer from persistent bilateral symptoms due to Raynaud’s Disease and you are younger, we can get you compensation. This interferes with your life on a daily basis, and may drive you to change careers.
£27,740 to £33,700
Table of Contents
Frequently Asked Questions
How Long Before I Can Claim for Raynaud’s Disease?
If you developed HAVS or Raynaud’s disease as a result of vibrating tools or poor working conditions, you may be entitled to compensation. The sooner you consult an expert, the better, as there could be time limitations for some claims (3 years).
In some cases, the symptoms of Raynaud’s disappear with time. In such cases, it may be difficult to make a successful compensation claim for Raynaud’s disease.
Call Tylers Solicitors today on 0800 699 0079 to start your Raynauds Disease compensation claim.
Where Can I Find More Information on Raynaud’s Disease?
Raynaud’s phenomenon compensation claims are complex and involved in nature. It is always advisable to seek expert advice and guidance on how best to approach the matter. In this case, a professional compensation solicitor would be the best person to consult. As well as providing information on how to approach a particular problem, they will offer advice and information about calculating the amount of compensation that will be awarded to you depending upon the circumstances, as well as to make the claim on your behalf if you did wish to proceed.
Our expert team is here to help you gain the maximum amount of compensation for your injuries. Start your Raynauds Disease compensation claim today with the help of Tylers Solicitors.
Is Tylers a No-Win, No-Fee Solicitors for Raynauds Disease Compensation?
Having dealt with many cases of Raynaud’s disease over the years, we know people with the condition are often left with a painful condition, which is both unpleasant and very expensive to treat with private medical care. We are proud of the fact we offer a no-win-no-fee service for Raynaud’s disease compensation cases.
Our team are happy to access your case and offer advice on the sum of compensation you may receive. Contact us today to start your Raynauds Disease compensation claim and let us help you get the maximum compensation for your injuries.
How Can I Make a Compensation Claim for Raynaud’s Disease?
If you think that poor working conditions caused you to suffer from HAVS that has now developed into Raynaud’s disease, a solicitor will help you make your compensation claim to ensure you get the sum of compensation you deserve based on your circumstances.
Compensation for Raynaud’s phenomenon is a complex area of law and so should be handled by a professional compensations solicitor.
Our solicitors can make compensation claims for Raynaud’s disease on your behalf. With their vast experience in the practice of injury law and the successful handling of thousands of compensation claims for victims of Raynaud’s disease, Tylers Solicitors are equipped to represent you with the highest level of expertise possible.
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